Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I am the reason for everything that was once impossible. Who am I?

I am the creator. Okay, so if you are thinking this is about religion, it’s not.  No, I am not God and I don’t mean I am the creator of mankind nor am I the creator in any religious sense of the word. And although I am not God, I am the creator of everything ever used by mankind to live in this amazing world. Yes, I mean everything. I am the creator of the fork, the spoon, the wheel, and even the clothes you’re wearing.

I actually am not very famous. That should be a surprise to you. After all, I created everything that isn’t created by God, yet people don’t see me as a messiah. I get little credit for what I do. You think I’m telling you a fairy tale?  I’m not. Every word I’m telling you is true and before you’re finished reading this you will be agreeing with me.

I get so little credit for what I do in fact, that my mother’s name is usually invoked in connection with my own name just the same way it is with God.  You know how they refer to God’s mother; “Mary, Mother of God”.  Well they refer to my mom in the same way.  It kind of annoys me that she always gets all the credit for everything I do.

No, I’m not God, and no, I’m not Donald Trump. Good guess though. But despite what he tells you, he did not create everything. Also, you might say “Mary Anne Trump, Mother of Donald Trump”, but Mary Anne Trump doesn’t get all the credit for everything Donald does.

Don’t get me wrong. Moms deserve a lot of credit and my mom is amazing. But come on folks. Give my dad some credit. What about my dad? Who is he you ask.

He is my true inspiration. I look at him with amazement. He does it all. He is the super hero of the world. He tells me his stories and I just yearn to be like my dad. It’s about time that someone knows that my dad is just as amazing as my mom. Everything I’ve created, I would not have created had it not been for him.

Okay, so I won’t keep you guessing anymore.  My mother is Necessity.  You might have heard of her. Like I said…  Mary, Mother of God…. Necessity, Mother of Invention… see the connection? And of course, I am Invention.

I’m really sick of Necessity getting all the credit. So what… What’s the big deal? So she’s my mom… but why aren’t people talking about my dad? Why aren’t they saying “Dreams, the Father of Invention”?  How come you never hear that?

Do you think the spaceship was invented because of my mom?  That’s a myth. I created it because of my dad. He would point to the moon and tell me about the men on the moon.  Yeah, like a lot of dad’s, he would get carried away and tell me he actually had dinner with some Martians from Mars and some guys from the moon. They came to his house one Saturday while he was watching the football game. He had a great time with them! He always wanted to go see them one day at their homes. He would look up into the sky with his dreamy eyes, imaging a car that could drive into space. Thanks to the inspiration of my dad, Dreams, I created the spaceship and today man has been to the moon. I’m not sure though if Buzz Aldrin talked to the guys my dad had dinner with.

I love Dad. He is my hero. But I’m also aware that Dad isn’t a doer. The way it really works is that Dad has this fantastic imagination that goes beyond anything normal. He’s a lunatic sometimes with the stuff he comes up with. It’s so fantastical that people blow him off like he’s some nut case.  But his brother is really amazing. He is my Uncle Vision. He is the perfect sibling for my dad. Uncle Vision actually listens to my dad and he takes the crazy stuff that my dad says, and he turns it into a plan!  Then, amazing things happen!

My mom comes from a totally different place though. No starry eyed imagination there. She is the practical one, and she doesn’t take no for an answer. She has this thing. If you have a problem, figure a way out of it.  If what you are doing isn’t getting it done, then figure another way to get it done. Oh she makes me so mad sometimes. She has an answer for everything and at the same time an answer for nothing!

Mom, I can’t do this!

Yes you can. You must do it! She says to me.

Mom, I tried to do it that way but it doesn’t work.  What do I do? 

Do it another way, she says. You’ll figure it out.

Doesn’t your mom just make you so mad sometimes!!

The thing is that it required my whole family to make me so great. I’m able to create things using the three tenants of successful business management.

They are Leadership, Vision and Passion. You’ll notice Dreams doesn’t get any credit.  Dreams just don’t get it done alone. They just fall short. But at the same time, without dreams, vision has no use. Together, however, Vision and Dreams are siblings that can make the impossible happen. But when they don’t work together, you’ll just find them on a Saturday afternoon watching football games with Martians and men on the moon. Then it’s all talk and no action. Just a bunch of lazy bums my mom always says.

And well, about my mom… Necessity. Oh, but is she ever a pain in my rear,  and as much as I really hate to admit it, without her, something so complicated like making a rocket ship would just never get done!  She has it driven into my brain. There is always another way. That’s her motto. And she keeps repeating it over and over again. There is always a better way. It just takes my Mom constantly reminding me to figure it out.  In fact, she taught me that if you want to create something, create the need to solve a problem and you will solve the problem. She’s right. I admit it.

I love you mom!

Without your practical and unwavering commitment to make me figure out another way to get it done, I would be nothing and mankind would be just another animal in the animal kingdom eating food with fingers and walking around naked in their caves. We owe so much to you mom… but really… Can we give some credit to my crazy dad, Dreams and my Uncle Vision? 


In my last blog, I discussed success through Leadership, Passion, and Vision. In that blog I distinguished between having dreams and having vision. Dreams are distinct from having vision, but we should never forget that you still must dream it before you can create it.
This is my second monthly blog post. I hope you enjoy it and will come to my blog site to read more of my stories. Please feel free to comment. It inspires me to do more.

Gary Warnecke

About the author:   Gary Warnecke is currently CEO of American Lamprecht Transport, an international logistics company serving companies moving goods to and from the United States. Gary has also been CFO for Rusoro Mining, a Canadian Public gold mining company with operations in Venezuela, and GRIF Management, an Oil & Gas engineering firm providing engineering services to Russia and Eastern European countries. He is the founder and President of Orlando Film Studios and Gary Warnecke CPA PC. Orlando Film Studios successfully distributed and booked the first wide distribution of a Spanish language film to the Orlando market, placing the film in 18 theaters. His CPA firm had, at its peak, 14 employees and provided tax and accounting services to private international companies and has consulted and participated in the field of mergers and acquisitions. In addition, Gary has served the board of directors of several companies. His diverse background has given him extensive experience in the field of Business Management which he began blogging about in September 2016.

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